The Franchise Candidate Experience: Start with Why!

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Melissa Castoro

Every franchisee candidate is on a journey. 

They’re looking for transformation and change and, as franchisors, it’s our job to understand their Why?

They experience a pain point, click on a link, contact a broker, research business opportunities, speak to franchisees, fill out contact forms, read news articles, attend trade shows, review FDD’s, attend discovery days, and, for a select few, sign a franchise agreement.

They’re all motivated by something. A compelling why, that’s propelling them to take action. 

How you react and respond to their why is what closes deals. Your franchise development process, franchise sales website, brand story, and candidate journey must continuously and compellingly remind your franchisee candidates about their why – why they contacted you in the first place and why your brand is the solution to the problem they’re looking to solve!